Ask the Investor is an interactive series we run at CLIMAFIX that derives key insights from innovative climate investors on many different aspects of their investment journey. (See all posts at Ask the Investor)

This series is done as part of the CLIMAFIX Summit 2023, India’s largest climate startup summit, organized by CLIMAFIX & Energy Consortium – IIT Madras.

In this post, we have Aswani Chaitanya from Capital A sharing his perspectives.

CLIMAFIX thanks Aswani Chaitanya for his valuable inputs.

1. Which are the specific climate tech domains that are of interest to you and your firm?

At Capital-A, we are actively seeking investment opportunities in several sectors that align with our sustainability focus. These sectors include Renewable Energy, Recycling, Electric Vehicles (EVs), Sustainable Materials, Carbon ESG/ESD, and Circular Economy. Our goal is to support innovative ventures that contribute to a greener and more sustainable future while delivering positive environmental impacts.

2According to you which are the underserved climate tech sectors where more investments are needed but where investing currently is a challenge?

We consider Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS), Waste Management, Sewage and Water Treatment, and Alternate Materials as some of the underserved sectors within climate tech that demand more investment. However, these sectors face challenges such as an Uncertain Policy and Regulatory Environment, and Project Viability and Scale, which may deter investors from being overly optimistic about investing in them.

3. What are the key challenges that you see in the Indian climate investment domain?

Some of the challenges include.

1.Technological and Commercial Readiness
2.Access to Finance
3.Project Viability and Risk Assessment
4.Policy and Regulatory Uncertainty

4. What are some of the climate tech innovations (Indian or global) that caught your attention?

An innovative, state-of-the-art small and compact sewage treatment plant (STP) machine is currently under development in stealth mode. This machine has the potential to revolutionize the field of sewage treatment. It is as compact as a household dishwasher. This advancement marks a significant step forward in making STP technology more accessible and integrated into everyday environments.

5. If you had a magic wand that can give you just one wish, what would your wish be?

I wish for revolutionary and universally accessible technology that can efficiently capture and store energy at a large scale.