Ask the Climate Startup is an interactive series we run at CLIMAFIX that derives key insights from innovative climate startup founders on many different aspects of their startup journey. (See all posts at Ask the Climate Startup)

This series is done as part of the CLIMAFIX Summit 2023, India’s largest climate startup summit, organized by CLIMAFIX & Energy Consortium – IIT Madras.

In this post, we have Madhusudhan Rapole  of  Oorja Energy Engineering Service Pvt. Ltd. sharing his perspectives.

CLIMAFIX thanks Madhusudhan Rapole for his valuable inputs.


1.Are you a first, second or later generation entrepreneur?

First Generation Entrepreneur.

2.What has been your previous work or professional experience?

Have been part of multiple organisations as CEO and had profitable exits.

3. Were there any special or specific reasons for you becoming an entrepreneur?

Yes, I became an entrepreneur because I wanted to create something unique, have more control over my work, and pursue my passion for a specific business idea.

4.Where or how did you meet your co founder/s?



5.Was there anything noteworthy you wish to talk about from your first year or the first couple of years of your startup?

In our initial years as a startup, one of the most noteworthy experiences was our collaboration with a prominent US university. This collaboration was a significant milestone for us as it opened up exciting avenues for innovation in the sustainability field.

6.Was there an Aha moment/s during your startup journey that made a dramatic difference ( positive or negative difference)

Certainly, over the course of our 10-year startup journey, there have been several “Aha moments” that made a dramatic difference in our trajectory. These moments have been pivotal in shaping our company and its success.
One of the most significant “Aha moments” occurred when we identified and implemented breakthrough technology. These innovation not only set us apart from competitors but also addressed a pressing industry need, leading to increased customer satisfaction and market
Discovering that our product or service brought genuine happiness or relief to our customers was a game-changer. It not only validated our mission but also motivated us to keep pushing boundaries and improving our offerings.


7.Is there a question you would like startup founders to ask before they

Have you figured product market fit?

8.What keeps you awake at night?
Excelling at what we do


9.Was there some support or help you received in your startup journey that proved critical? Who would you like to thank?

In our startup journey, the support and help we received from various quarters have been absolutely critical. We owe a debt of gratitude to multiple individuals and networks who played pivotal roles in our success.
Being at the heart of multiple ecosystems, including the startup community and the sustainability ecosystem, has been invaluable. These ecosystems provided us with connections, resources, and mentorship that were instrumental in our growth.
We received tremendous support from peers in the sustainability ecosystem. Collaborating with like-minded individuals and organizations not only provided us with valuable insights but also opened up opportunities for partnerships and collaborations that significantly boosted our impact.